Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I hate the snow.
But that's beside the point. I mean, so long as I live in Montana I am going to have to face the stuff eventually, like it or not. Days like today make the springtime all the more cherished... Right?
So lately I've been making artwork for my artwork - as in portraits to hang on the walls. It's fun, though I enjoy making the frames more than the portraits for some reason.
Abercrombie Gilderplunk III

Sarsaparilla Gilderplunk

Dear old mum and baby. Poor dear looks as if she could use a rest.
So I'm contemplating learning o do tattooing. It's not as if this thought hasn't crossed my mind before, say, 20 years ago. I have all the confidence that I could become a tattoo artist, and likely a quite good tattoo artist, but it's all the legalities of becoming "licensed" that are a hindrance. 

I abhor paperwork and worse yet it seems all the legalities of being a tattoo artist have more to do with where you per for the tattooing and how clean it is (which is all quite understandable). I just don't believe I want to set up a tattoo shop in my spare bedroom.

But I haven't totally negated the idea of tattooing, so let's just see where it takes me. At the very least, it is an adventure... and it is art, and I did say I was going to do art every day. 

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