Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You have to start somewhere.

I decided to start a blog for creative purposes. Someplace to document what I am working on, or to share something that might inspire me to be more creative.
You know how things go. You start something with the very best of intentions and then is slowly fades back into the monotony of day-to-day life with all those other unfinished projects. I like to say it's the doing that is important and not the finishing, but that tends to leave a lot of unfinished projects laying about.
So I'll try my best to finish what I start here, and to blog with some regularity.
And who knows? Maybe someone will read my blog - wouldn't that be novel?

So, right now I am fascinated with building a paper house. Something gothic. My inspiration is my obsession with paper theatre. I don't know why I want to build a paper gothic house but I do, and seeing as I like having a project and actually have foam core and cardboard left over from building my paper theatre (and have yet to be fully inspired to write the first production for said theatre) I am going to build this house.

But first, I need to find some inspiration.

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